
The Nation's Bedside Doctor is "turning patients into advocates"

Workers’ Compensation

The Nation’s Bedside Doctor streamlines and excels at treating workplace injuries and illnesses, rendering services that you need with a personal touch in a private, designated room in your facility. Our team is well-versed in all areas of occupational medicine and associated Georgia state laws.  Our treatment methods are proven effective. We take the guesswork out of wondering if your employee is receiving high-quality services, whether your employee is attending physician visits as instructed, and if paperwork will be received and reported properly. We want to keep your company compliant and return the employee to work with the least amount of disruption in the workday, employer’s operations, and employee lifestyle. Employees are more likely to return to work quickly and safely under our care.

As a patient, are you ready for the next level in your medical care, one that treats you as an individual and not just as a set of symptoms? As an employer, do you want to ensure that your best-qualified employee can return to work safely and perform job duties injury and illness-free? If you have answered ‘yes’ these questions, you have found what you are looking for with The Nation’s Bedside Doctor.

Special Services

If you need a doctor who represents an innovative new way to deliver high-quality services without the standard assembly-line approach to pre-package medicine, The Nation's Bedside Doctor is here to help you.

Medical Consultations

DOT physical exams

Ergonomic assessments

Injury care- coming soon

Pre-employment physicals

Pulmonary Function Testing

Pre-employment drug screens

Human Performance Evaluation (HPE)

Physical therapy post injury