
The Nation's Bedside Doctor is "turning patients into advocates"

Injury Care

Preventative measures promote overall improvement in employee well-being and workplace safety but, unfortunately, injuries and illness do happen. When they do occur, employers and employees need help to navigate the waters of workers’ compensation. We treat the whole individual which includes not just the specific illness or injury but also the psychological aspects that can stifle recovery and decrease productivity. Our goal is to educate both employees and employers on the benefits of prompt injury care and to reduce OSHA recordable injuries and illnesses.  Prompt injury care leads to reduced case duration, decreased employee “downtime,” sustainable recovery, improved wellbeing, decreased long-term disabilities, and lower overall healthcare costs. A happy employee equals a happy employer and everyone wins.

The Nation’s Bedside Doctor offers to perform site visits to analyze the workplace environment. Our recommendations can improve workplace safety, improve return to work outcomes, and decrease OSHA recordable cases.  We are the industry gold standard. Contact us to experience the best injury care with the best-trained experts.

Special Services

If you need a doctor who represents an innovative new way to deliver high-quality services without the standard assembly-line approach to pre-package medicine, The Nation's Bedside Doctor is here to help you.

Medical Consultations

DOT physical exams

Ergonomic assessments

Injury care- coming soon

Pre-employment physicals

Pulmonary Function Testing

Pre-employment drug screens

Human Performance Evaluation (HPE)

Physical therapy post injury